1.    The Board of Trustees and the Foundation have absolute discretion in selecting recipients of education grants and in determining the amount of said grants. The Foundation Trustees may make such amendments and modifications of the Rules and Regulations pertaining to the selection of grant recipients, the amount of each grant and the payment of grants as they, in their sole and absolute discretion, determine.

2.    Applicants must be either a graduate of a high school located in Auglaize or Allen County, Ohio, or a resident of Auglaize or Allen County, Ohio at the time of graduation from high school. Residency for this purpose shall be the applicant’s voting residence if of voting age, or, the voting residence of the applicant’s guardian, parents or parent with whom he or she resides. Proof of residency must be furnished upon request.

3.    Applicant must be of good moral character.

4.    High school applicants must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or better as of the end of the second nine weeks of their senior year in high school, must have an ACT composite score of 16 or above, or have an SAT composite score of 880 or above. Being in the top 50% of their high school class will be a consideration, but will not be determinative.

5.    If applying as a college student, demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Foundation Trustees that he or she has achieved a minimum post-secondary education standards set for Foundation grant recipients of a cumulative college GPA of 2.0.

6.    Applicants who are in high school, and applicants in college who have not previously received a grant, must supply a copy of their high school transcript through at least the second nine weeks of their senior year. High school transcripts must contain the applicant’s cumulative GPA and class rank, if applicable. These applicants must also supply independent verification of their composite ACT or SAT scores, if not already stated on the high school transcript.

7.    All applicants, every year, must supply a copy of their entire FAFSA Submission Summary and Student Aid Index (SAI) when their application is submitted.

8.    Applicant must be unable to attend college, university, or technical school without financial assistance from the Foundation or applicant must be in a position where the expense of continued education would be an undue financial hardship on the applicant and the applicant’s family.

9.    Applicant should be recommended for an educational grant by the principal, guidance counselor or a responsible faculty member of his or her high school or by a faculty advisor at his or her post-secondary school.

10.    Applicant and applicant’s guardian, parents or parent with whom the applicant resides must complete the application form for an educational grant in strict accordance with the instructions for preparing and filing the form. Failure to do so may, at the sole and absolute discretion of the Foundation Trustees, result in the application not being considered by the Foundation Trustees. Applicants will not be notified of incomplete or late-filed applications.

11.    Educational Grants are made for one year only to applicants who will be full-time students. Grant recipients may apply for educational grants in succeeding grant years and such applications shall be considered along with all other applications for educational grants for that grant year provided the applicant has attained an academic average of at least 2.0 or its equivalent where grades are not given on the four-point system. You must provide proof of your final grade point average by July 1 of the application year or the application will not be considered.

12.    When an applicant has been named as a recipient of an educational grant he or she shall, not later than August 1st in the year of the grant, present to the Foundation Trustees satisfactory evidence of his or her acceptance or continued enrollment at a college, university, trade or technical school. A letter or an email from applicant naming the school and its address is acceptable. Failure to do so will forfeit the educational grant.

13.    Educational grants must be paid directly to the college, university, trade or technical school of the grant recipient’s choice and will not be paid to the grant recipient. In the event that a grant recipient receives other financial aid from any source that is payable directly to the grant recipient’s college, university, trade or technical school so that the amount remaining due said college, university, trade or technical school, is less than the Foundation’s grant, then the Foundation’s grant shall automatically be reduced to the balance due to the grant recipient’s college, university, trade or technical school.

14.    The total amount of the financial aid granted to a recipient shall be divided by the number of quarters or semesters in the grant recipient’s academic or training year and the payment of the grant shall be made to the grant recipient’s school accordingly each quarter or semester.

15.    If a grant recipient is not considered a full-time student by his or her school, he or she shall forfeit his or her educational grant until he or she regains full-time student status during the grant year.

16.    At the end of each grading period of the grant recipient’s school, the grant recipient must present to the Foundation Trustees the report of the college, university, trade or technical school of the grant recipient’s academic or training progress. An up-to-date official or unofficial transcript sent to the Foundation by mail, fax, or email will satisfy this requirement. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the educational grant.

17.    In the event that any grant recipient becomes a member of, or associates with, the communist party or any group advocating the violent overthrow of our existing form of government, his or her educational grant will be terminated and he or she may no longer receive the benefits thereof.

18.    It is the desire of the Foundation Trustees that the recipients of educational grants become useful citizens of our nation and those qualities of good taste and refinement in dress and manner possessed by ladies and gentlemen are required of recipients of educational grants.

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