Applications for the upcoming academic year are available from December 10, 2024 through March 17, 2025. Applications, along with all required information, will be accepted by the Foundation during the period of December 10, 2024 through March 17, 2025 only. Applications received after March 17, 2025 will not be considered. Review of applications takes place in March and April, followed by announcement of grants by June 1.


Applicants must be either a graduate of a high school located in Auglaize or Allen County, Ohio, or a resident of Auglaize or Allen County, Ohio at the time of graduation from high school. Residency for this purpose shall be the applicant’s voting residence if of voting age, or, the voting residence of the applicant’s guardian, parents or parent with whom he or she resides. Proof of residency must be furnished upon request.

Educational Grants are made for one year only to applicants who will be full-time students. Grant recipients may apply for educational grants in succeeding grant years and such applications shall be considered along with all other applications for educational grants for that grant year provided the applicant has attained a college academic average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent where grades are not given on a four-point system.


Applications may be obtained on the Foundation’s website,, or by contacting the Foundation with your request. The telephone number is 419-738-4911 and the email address is Applications may be downloaded from this website, but must be received by the Foundation on or before the March 17, 2025 deadline. Completed and signed applications, along with all required information, can be returned by overnight mail, regular mail, in person, or by facsimile or email.

Completed applications, with the required information, MUST BE RECEIVED on or before March 17, 2025, or they will not be considered.

Announcement of grant awards will be made by June 1 of the grant award academic year.


Applicants who are high school seniors must: (i) have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 as of the end of the second nine weeks of their senior year of high school; and (ii) have a composite ACT score of 16 or above or a composite SAT score of 880 or above. High school applicants in the upper 50% of his/her high school graduating class will be considered, but this will not be determinative, because some high schools no longer track high school class rank.

Applicants who are already attending college and are applying for the first time, or who did not receive a grant in the prior academic year, must supply their high school transcript with class rank, if applicable, and high school GPA, ACT or SAT score, as well as their college transcript with cumulative GPA.

Applicants who are in high school, and applicants who are in college who have not previously received a grant, must supply a copy of their high school transcript through at least the end of the second nine weeks of their senior year. High school transcripts must contain the applicant’s cumulative GPA and class rank, if applicable. These applicants must also supply independent verification of their composite ACT or SAT scores, if not already stated on the high school transcript.

ALL APPLICANTS, EVERY YEAR, must supply a copy of their ENTIRE FAFSA Submission Summary and Student Aid Index (SAI) when their application is submitted.

Each new applicant, whether in high school or college, MUST provide a statement or recommendation from a Principal, Guidance Counselor or Faculty Advisor who is familiar with the applicant’s academic record.

Applicants must be enrolled as a full time college student. This is twelve credit hours per quarter/semester. The Foundation does not pay for internships or co-ops.

Grant recipients are required to send a copy of their grades at the end of each quarter/semester.

The Foundation Trustees may make such amendments and modifications of the rules and regulations pertaining to the selection of grant recipients, the amount of each grant and the payment of grants as they, in their sole and absolute discretion, determine.

Please be sure to read the Rules and Regulations.